Pastoral accompaniment is at the heart of our mission to support the emotional and spiritual well-being of the members of our community. Our team provides empathetic support, helping individuals overcome personal challenges and strengthen their resilience. Whether facing moments of crisis, grief, or simply sharing joys and successes, our pastoral team is present to accompany each person on their journey. This aspect of our work is based on the principles of inclusion and respect for spiritual diversities, creating a space where everyone can find comfort.
At the Jesuit Refugee Service (SJR), we understand that the dimension of hospitality should not be merely a theoretical formality of politeness. It is rather an act of love that transcends human reality. A very significant dimension that finds its true source in Jesus, who continually invites us to practice love and welcome others. For this reason, at the SJR, we assist everyone without discrimination. We respect the inherent dignity of each individual, as each person is created in the image of God.
When refugees arrive in Canada, we send a delegation from our team, accompanied by the respondent, to the airport to welcome them. Then, we conduct home visits to continue supporting them in their settlement and integration process. After each visit, a report is prepared to guide the preparation of the settlement report requested by the MIFI (Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration).
Home visits are friendly moments of sharing and listening. Our conversations are always very enriching. Refugees share with us their past experiences and the dreams they hold for their new life in Canada. This experience gives me a much broader view of other peoples, but above all, it opens me to a remarkable human perspective. In the various exchanges I have had with refugee families, there is constantly this notion of “hope” that resurfaces. These are people who have gone through all sorts of hardships but never show signs of despair at any moment. Even in the worst moments of their history, they always maintain the will to move forward.
At the SJR, we want to invest more in this accompaniment so that these individuals continue to hope and succeed in realizing their life projects for themselves and their loved ones.