“We believe in the power of collective voice to bring about significant systemic changes. Our advocacy program aims to raise awareness among policymakers, institutions, and civil society about crucial social issues. We work to influence public policies in favor of social justice, equal opportunities, and the protection of fundamental rights. By collaborating with other organizations that share similar ideals, we enhance our impact and contribute to creating a more just and equitable world for all.

In our mission at SJR, we not only care about the fate of refugees but are more motivated than ever to work towards ensuring the rights of forcibly displaced individuals are respected. To achieve this, we are not hesitant to join others in protests and make our voices heard. All our actions are made possible through the generosity of numerous donors, interns, and volunteers who stand by our side every day. This generosity is invaluable, and we want to express our gratitude to you. It may be challenging to see the impact of our actions on a global scale, but thanks to you, we are more than ever convinced that our mission, combined with the efforts of all civil organizations, will bear long-term fruits in Canada.”

JRS is present too in 56 countries, and we underscore the strength of our global advocacy for refugees. Operating on a vast international scale, our collective voice resonates in diverse regions, influencing policymakers, institutions, and civil society across borders. This expansive reach allows us to champion the cause of refugees on a global stage, working towards policies that uphold social justice, equal opportunities, and the protection of fundamental rights. With a united front spanning across continents, we strive to make a lasting impact and contribute to creating a world that embraces and supports refugees worldwide.