The Evening of Stars 2024 : a time of recognition and festivity
29 November 2024|Joanna Kozakiewicz

On November 23, 2024, we held our annual “Evening of Stars” event. During this celebration, we took the time to dine together and thank all our volunteers and partners, whom we consider to be the “stars” of our mission.
You are stars to us, because in the darkness of this world you are among the people who nourish hope, whether through your voluntary work, your financial and moral support, or your work in solidarity with us.
In the hectic pace of everyday life, it’s sometimes difficult to get everyone around the same table. The annual “Evening of Stars” offers us this rare opportunity.
The evening was punctuated by speeches and thanks. Norbert Piché, our Country Director, welcomed participants with the following message:
It takes a whole village to raise a child.
By the same token, it takes a whole village to welcome a refugee.
And this village is you! It’s you, our volunteers, who visit our refugees; you who help organize activities to make them feel like part of the community; you who help raise awareness of what refugees go through; you, the Board members who work behind the scenes to keep JRS running smoothly; you, our many donors who give so generously and believe in our mission; you, our partners who work tirelessly with us to make the refugee person stand out; and you, dear JRS employees who are the glue that holds it all together. And yes, it takes a village …
The evening continued with a video montage of the year’s highlights, a Syrian meal and a powerful testimony from a refugee that put smiles on the faces of many. Participants were able to connect with others and feel welcomed. The evening concluded with the presentation of JRS certificates to volunteers and donors.
JRS Canada would like to thank all those who make our mission possible. Without this help, we cannot accompany refugees and forcibly displaced people. We hope you’ll join us next year!
The JRS Canada team